Accounting and taxation
Accounting Services
Tax computation and declaration
Payroll services
Annual financial statements – preparation and analysis
IFRS – Implementation and Support
Mergers, divisions, business combinations
Internal control
Accounting fraud – fraud exposure assessment
Improving your accounting system
Internal control


The internal control activity can increase your company’s value. It is the responsibility of owners or management to effectively govern risk, but no company can achieve maximum efficiency without a well-organized internal control department.

You can apply to us for:

  • internal control planning;
  • assess effectiveness for existing internal control department;
  • assess operating effectiveness;
  • ongoing monitoring and testing.

An effective system of internal control will increase the confidence of business partners whether they are holders of funds (shareholders or financial institutions) or they are suppliers, employees or potential employees and will translate into a more accurate reflection in the financial statements of the company’s activity, a better organized accounting department, a better accountability of financial accounting staff and of those who administer the company’s goods.